San Miguel Allende, Part 2

An early morning sketch from my hotel, looking out at the sloping street beyond the arched doorway. The greyest scene in this city is not without a pop of color.

In contrast to the rest of the day, the zócalo is pretty empty in the mornings. The only action you see is the pigeons that circle overhead every time the bells ring.

By late morning, it’s busy again until late into the night. Spot that Hello Kitty and Pikachu balloon? Amazing how they’re almost universally known…

Lunchtime most days was at Baja Fish Taquito. My kids loved the fish tacos. Me? The seafood ceviche and the flan.

More food sketches, this one done after dark under halogen light. I tried to capture that extra-yellow, confusing, high contrast feel of the light.  Mexican corn-on-the-cob is delicious. Grill corn until lightly charred. Roll in melted butter, then spread with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with cotija cheese and a liberal dose of lime juice. Tastes good at home but like all street food, never as great as it does on the street.

More from San Miguel Allende in my next post. Here’s post 1, in case you missed it…

About Suhita Shirodkar

obsessive-sketcher. graphic designer.
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5 Responses to San Miguel Allende, Part 2

  1. These are wonderful as usual..the arch doorway is very effective.. looks like the food was delicious!


  2. rhodadraws says:

    How about a workshop devoted to sketching FOOD? And thanks for the corn-on-the-cob recipe.


  3. Pingback: Creative Juice #77 | ARHtistic License

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