
I’ve been drawing online on a regular basis with two groups, one led by Chloe Briggs  @drawingisfree_org and the other, @pencils4tea.

Both groups work with a similar format: you turn up at a free Zoom session, with your camera on. Random people from the session are asked too pose for the group for the length of a song: between 2.5 and 5 minutes long while everyone else draws them. I think it’s a great way to just switch windows on my computer for an hour, draw with experimental tools or supplies I don’t use often, and then get back to work. Here are some pages from recent sessions. You can see I picked a different set of supplies and color palettes to take to each one.

This first set is dominated by a blue and brown ink combination. If I were allowed just two colors and no other color in my palette, this is what I’d choose: a warm brown orangy and a cool, dark blue.

This next set is where I used some pretty fluorescent gouache colors along with colored pencil. I especially enjoyed throwing those crazy pinks into the mix.

This next set uses yet another blue and brown ink ( can you tell I’m rotating through all the random inks in my collection? ( and colored pencil. That hot pink this time is from a colored pencil. I’m enjoying the drama of a slash of it across the page. I don’t think my obsession with it can last. I suspect it’s a color with too much “look at me” personality to have staying power in my palette, but it is a fun color!

It’s interesting how some of these experiments translate into my on-location sketching. This is a sketch done at my local cafe around the same time as these online sketching sessions.

About Suhita Shirodkar

obsessive-sketcher. graphic designer.
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