
I’ve mentioned before that I’ve been drawing with two online Zoom-based groups: @drawingisfree_org and @pencils4tea. This is the previous post about them.

More sessions and more experiments since then. These images below use a mix of media including collage. I don’t plan for what I am working with but I have a large sketchbook at my table that is always ready just for this sort of impromptu at-my-desk drawing.

Someone asked on Instagram how I keep track of these happenings. I just add them to my calendar and if I get a break in the day or can move things around to make it work, I turn up. So go check details in the bio for both @drawingisfree_org and @pencils4tea and maybe we will draw together in a session soon!

About Suhita Shirodkar

obsessive-sketcher. graphic designer.
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2 Responses to Faces

  1. Anke Wagner says:

    wonderful Suhita !

    just a quick question , what medium did you use for the sketches in the middle picture.

    looks like pencil and ink ?

    love your work!!!

    Great that you have that big paper pad handy ,inspiring !!!

    An artist I also admire commented in one of his You tubes that it ‘s very successful to draw at least 20 minutes a day to get better and proficient at drawing .

    I been trying that and seeing some results but the best part is ,it really puts me in a happy place no matter how the day has gone so far.

    thank you again for sharing your art and instructional thoughts so freely.


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