Many thanks!

To everyone who came to the show on Sunday, or sent their wishes, thank you! It was lovely to see so many people turn up, share memories of the signs I’ve come to know through sketching them, buy books, and sketchcrawl around History San Jose.

Here are a few pictures from the afternoon.

I hope you enjoy the book. If you couldn’t make it, you can buy your copy here.

Some of the original art sold too. Sales are on a first-come-first served basis, (but you don’t get to pick your piece until the end of December because it needs to hang in the show until then). If you visit the show and see something you love (or find something on the Vintage Signs website you’d like to own), check with me, the piece might still be available. Part of the proceeds of each sale benefits History San Jose and PAC*SJ both of whom play an active role in preserving San Jose’s history.

Here’s a little piece on KQED, our public radio station about Urban Sketching and the project.

We sketchcrawled that afternoon around History Park. There is just so much to draw there!

Thank you again for having been a part of this voyage of discovery. What began five years ago as urban sketches of random signs that caught my eye turned into a show, a book, and best of all, my meeting and collaborating with people who are passionate about their city and it’s history. I hope to keep sketching signs where I find them, and I will be giving back a percentage of all the money this project raises to History San Jose and PAC*SJ.

My biggest learning from this project has been to do what I do, to explore what intrigues me through my work, and to do it because those are questions and ideas worth exploring. The rest will fall in place, as it did for me.

If you didn’t make it last weekend, the show is open every weekend until December 23rd. Check this link for details.

About Suhita Shirodkar

obsessive-sketcher. graphic designer.
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10 Responses to Many thanks!

  1. IRENE Reinhold says:

    Congratulations. You are amazing and such an inspiration


  2. Looks fantastic, Suhita, congratulations! And my gosh, but you are so prolific, you put the rest of us to shame 🙂


  3. So sorry I had to miss this! Will you bring a copy of the book for me to buy when I see you on the 31st?


  4. Nancy Waldron says:

    Congratulations Suhita. I am impressed with your show. I have ordered your book on line. Cant wait for my copy. We met during Brenda Swenson’s class. Nancy Waldron


  5. Congratulations, Suhita. What a wonderful show, what wonderful art. You are amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: CA18 Trip: San Francisco - Bay Area Part 2 - Liz Steel : Liz Steel

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