Factory sketch: Input, anyone?

I pass this “factory site” often and stopped to sketch it one day. I thought the structure itself was interesting, but I also liked how the chain link fence and the gate added to the industrial look of it….

So I did this sketch. But the whole fence bit just overwhelmed the composition.

I went back again and did the composition below, and while the factory structure is clearer, I lost something from not having the fence and gate, I think… But how do I work in intricate structures like that without them overwhelming the composition? Any tips?

About Suhita Shirodkar

obsessive-sketcher. graphic designer.
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15 Responses to Factory sketch: Input, anyone?

  1. Cecelia says:

    I would suggest that, if you don’t want your fencing to be so strong, make lighter lines, or just indicate some lines. Don’t try to draw them all. You might show just a few over the main subject and do more detailed ones in more open spaces so that they don’t tend to cover up the scene.
    Enjoyed looking at your sketches!


  2. Cathy says:

    Both are good, I think you would have to decide which to emphasise the most, the industrial site or the fence, then make that stand out more.


    • makingamess says:

      So maybe the problem with #1 is that both are of equal importance? hmmm.. i guess i have to go back and make 2 versions- one with the factor bold and fence downplayed and the other with the fence taking centerstage… that’ an interesting thought.


  3. There are many possibilities to tackling the composition on this one. What comes to my mind is that I noticed that on the fences you used a linear technique. Very often line is used to draw in the viewer’s focus. If you still want the fence in the forground (which I think would be nice) then you might want to consider a non-linear technique to simply imply it. Also, to draw attention to the factory (if that is your main focus) you might want to try to at more contrasting values to it.
    Great job on you sketches.


  4. Janene says:

    I think the fence and gate are very well done in the first one, and the industrial scene is quite wonderful! As to how to combine them? Maybe have just the top of the fence and gate showing at the bottom of the sketch, as if you were peering over them, sort of a border to the drawing? Just a thought.


  5. Jessicca says:

    I really like the first one, I prefer it much more than the second. I think it has more depth and character. I also like how you have used your centre spiral as the pole that is holding the gates up.


  6. I totally agree with David. I like the second one better for how you could Hint at the fence and gate and give the feel of not being allowed in to the factory. A fence and gate always adds a mystery. Especially, to a curious ready to find out American like me. I was a bad child left alone. Both are beautiful and vibrant sketches.


  7. Dan says:

    I wonder if a resist for the chain link fence, if there is a way to be so precise, might be cool. Then paint the scene behind, remove the resist and you will have a white impression of chain link. Just a thought. I really like the industrial scene without the fences though.


  8. nancy t says:

    You’ve had many wonderful suggestions here, so I won’t add any more. I will say, tho, that I like both versions very much. Each has a totally different feel! nancy


  9. Raena says:

    I really like the second one! You’ve plenty of tips here, so I’ll just add an observation. It seems like you’ve made the industrial structures much darker on the first one. Maybe the combination of the dark lines for the fence, with the dark buildings? The second drawing has lighter buildings and I think the fence would stand out more.


  10. karen says:

    I don’t think you overwhelmed the composition with the fence your first sketch made me look at you flickr photos very nice!


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